Bapu Zimidar is a Punjabi song sung by Jassi Gill. It was released in 2014 as a part of the album Replay. The song was composed by Happy Raikoti and written by Jaani.

The song is a romantic ballad with a catchy melody and a slow tempo. The lyrics are about a man who is in love with a woman and is willing to do anything for her, even if it means going against his own father.

The song has been praised for its catchy melody, Jassi Gill's vocals, and Happy Raikoti and Jaani's composition. The song has also been credited with helping to popularize Punjabi romantic ballads outside of India.

Here are some of the things I like about the song:

The catchy melody
Jassi Gill's soulful vocals
Happy Raikoti and Jaani's heartwarming composition
The emotion and longing in the song

It is a beautiful and romantic song that is sure to touch your heart. I also like that the song has a positive message about love and self-acceptance.

The song was a commercial success, and it has over 150 million views on YouTube. It also won the Punjabi Music Most Popular song of the year Award.

Overall, Bapu Zimidar is a well-made and beautiful song that is sure to touch your heart. It is a must-listen for fans of romantic ballads and Punjabi pop music.
