Kamli is a Hindi song composed by Naushad Ali and written by Shakeel Badayuni.
It was released in 1955 as a part of the soundtrack of the film Haathi Mere Saathi.
The song is a sad song with a slow tempo and a haunting melody.
The lyrics are about a woman who is in love with a man who is not interested in her.
The song is full of emotion and longing, and it is sure to touch your heart.

Kamli is one of the most popular songs of Lata Mangeshkar. It has been covered by many artists, and it remains a popular choice for weddings and other special occasions.

The song's title, Kamli, means "a dark-complexioned woman". The lyrics of the song are about a woman who is in love with a man who is not interested in her because of her dark complexion. She is saying that she is beautiful, even though she is dark, and that she deserves to be loved.

The song is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-love and acceptance. It tells us that we should never let anyone make us feel like we are not worthy of love.

The song was picturised on Nargis and Sunil Dutt as a love couple. It shows the journey of the couple from being strangers to lovers. The song is a beautiful and tragic portrayal of love, and it is sure to leave you feeling emotional.
