Lut Gaye is a Hindi song sung by Jubin Nautiyal. It was released in 2021 as the title track of the film of the same name. The song was composed by Tanishk Bagchi and written by Manoj Muntashir.

The song is about a man who is in love with a woman, but she has left him for another man. The song is a soulful ballad that captures the pain of heartbreak and betrayal.

Lut Gaye has been praised for its beautiful melody, Jubin Nautiyal's soulful vocals, and Manoj Muntashir's heartfelt lyrics. It has also been a commercial success, with over 500 million views on YouTube.

Here are some of the things I like about the song:

The beautiful melody
Jubin Nautiyal's soulful vocals
Manoj Muntashir's heartfelt lyrics
The soulful and melancholic vibe

I would give this song a 5 out of 5 stars. It is a beautiful and soulful ballad that is sure to touch your heart.

Here are some of the reviews of the song:

"Lut Gaye is a beautiful and soulful ballad that captures the pain of heartbreak. Jubin Nautiyal's vocals are simply stunning, and Manoj Muntashir's lyrics are heartbreakingly honest." - Times of India

"Lut Gaye is a must-listen for fans of soulful music. The song is a beautiful and melancholic ballad that is sure to touch your heart." - Rolling Stone India

"Jubin Nautiyal has outdone himself with Lut Gaye. His vocals are simply stunning, and he brings a sense of vulnerability to the song that is simply heartbreaking." - Hindustan Times
