Saami Saami is a Telugu-language song composed by Devi Sri Prasad and written by Chandrabose.
It was released in 2021 as the third single from the film.
The song is a dance number with a catchy melody and a fast tempo.
The lyrics are about a young man who is in love with a woman and is determined to win her heart.
The song is full of energy and excitement, and it is sure to get you grooving.

Saami Saami has been praised for its catchy melody, Sunidhi Chauhan's vocals, and Devi Sri Prasad's energetic composition. The song has also been credited with helping to popularize Telugu dance numbers outside of India.

Here are some of the things I like about the song:

The catchy melody
Sunidhi Chauhan's powerful vocals
Devi Sri Prasad's energetic composition
The energy and excitement in the song

It is a fun, catchy, and uplifting song that is sure to get you grooving. I also like that the song has a positive message about love and self-confidence.

The song was a commercial success, and it has over 1 billion views on YouTube. The song also won the Mirchi Music Award for Song of the Year.

Overall, Saami Saami is a well-made and beautiful song that is sure to get you grooving. It is a must-listen for fans of dance numbers and Telugu pop music.
