Leke Prabhu Ka Naam is a song from the upcoming Hindi film Tiger 3, directed by Maneesh Sharma. The song was released on October 20, 2023, and has already garnered over 10 million views on YouTube. The song is composed by Pritam and sung by Arijit Singh and Nikhita Gandhi.

The song is a catchy and uplifting dance number about the power of faith. The lyrics, written by Amitabh Bhattacharya, are about the way faith can give us strength and courage in the face of adversity. The song's music is upbeat and danceable, and it perfectly complements the lyrics.

The song begins with Arijit Singh's soulful vocals, which are backed by a driving beat. The lyrics are simple but effective, and they immediately set the tone for the song. The song builds up to a powerful chorus, in which Arijit and Nikhita sing about the power of faith.

The song is a perfect example of Pritam's talent for composing catchy and uplifting songs. The song is sure to be a hit with fans of Indian cinema, and it is sure to be a popular choice for dance parties and other festive occasions.

Here are some of the things that make Leke Prabhu Ka Naam a successful song:

Catchy melody: The melody is catchy and easy to remember, and it is sure to get stuck in your head.
Upbeat music: The music is upbeat and danceable, and it is sure to get you moving.
Energetic vocals: Arijit and Nikhita's vocals are energetic and engaging, and they perfectly convey the excitement of the song.

Overall, Leke Prabhu Ka Naam is a well-made and enjoyable song that is sure to please fans of Indian cinema.

उड़ता-फिरता दिल तो परिंदा है, उड़ता-फिरता
कतरा-कतरा तपरी पे जिंदा है, कतरा-कतरा

हाँ सर पे धुन सी सवार है
हंगामा बरकरार है
फ़ुरसत से आज तो हमें
फरमाना प्यार व्यार है

बैठे-बैठे क्या करें?
अब करना है कुछ काम!

अरे music-व्यूजिक start करो
भई लेके-लेके-लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम
Here we go
अरे music-व्यूजिक start करो
भई लेके-लेके-लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम

आँखों में तेवर है, फिर भी दिलों में है जान सारी
दिल की ही करते हैं, कोई नहीं है जवाब दारी
अपने लिए यूँ तो पढ़ जाए कायनात सारी
दिल में जगह हो तो देदो हमें मर्ज़ी तुम्हारी

ओ, मैं क्या इश्क़ दी feeling चंगी ऐ
सब तों रंग-बेरंगी ऐ
इक word में ही Ph.D है
ना comma, ना full stop

खुद पे यह ऐतबार है मौके का इंतजार है
हमको दुनिया में इश्क का फैलाना कारोबार है

बैठे-बैठे क्या करें?
अब करना है कुछ काम!

अरे music-व्यूजिक start करो
भई लेके-लेके-लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम
Here we go
अरे music-व्यूजिक start करो
भई लेके-लेके-लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम
लेके प्रभु का नाम
